A shop in Harajuku where you can touch owls 1時間制 One hour system web予約あり:web reservation スタンダードコースStandard course ¥1500~ 東京都渋谷区神宮前1-21-15
JR原宿駅:竹下通り口 徒歩1分 Access :1-21-15 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo JR Harajuku Station (1 minutes walk from Takeshita Exit) |
ふくろうを眺めたり、 手に乗せてふれあったり ふくろうとの時間を過ごせます。 2 minutes walk from JR Kichijoji Station You can spend time with the owl by looking at it or touching it with your hand. Please enjoy the healing time in the city. 利用料金 通常コース price:Standard course ¥1500~ 1時間制One hour system JR吉祥寺駅より徒歩2分
1-26-1 Kichijoji Honcho, Musashino City, Tokyo JK Kichijoji Building 2F 2 minutes walk from JR Kichijoji Station |
東京の渋谷でフクロウカフェをお探しなら、渋谷駅から徒歩10分、裏渋谷通り沿いにある隠れ家的なCafe HOOT HOOTへ。
If you're looking for an owl cafe in Shibuya, Tokyo, head to Cafe HOOT HOOT, a hideaway along Urashibuya Street, a 10-minute walk from Shibuya Station. 利用料金 通常コース price:Standard course ¥1500~ 30min~ 京王井の頭線 神泉駅(徒歩2分)
10-16 Shinsencho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Gold Crest Shibuya 1st floor Keio Inokashira Line Shinsen Station (2-minute walk) |
かわいいふくろうたちと直接触れ合える体験型カフェです。 It is an experience-based cafe where you can directly interact with owls, such as taking a commemorative photo with cute owls in your hand and feeding them to price:Standard course ¥1500~ JR和歌山線 岩出駅(徒歩15分)
42 Bizen, Iwade City, Wakayama Prefecture Petit Tool 2F JR Wakayama Line Iwade Station (15 minutes walk) |
また、ペットとしての猛禽類の自然繁殖、人工繁殖によるハイブリッド種の研究開発も手掛け、更に日本の伝統である鷹狩りをスポーツとして取り入れる活動にも取り組んでいます。 In "rakuchouen", we are studying the breeding of birds of prey to help the prosperity of birds. We are also conducting research and development of hybrid species by natural and artificial breeding of birds of prey. We are also engaged in activities to incorporate Japanese traditional falconry as a sport. (要確認) Please check in advance [TEL]080-3730-0653 549 Yamamoto, Kimitsu City, Chiba Prefecture
JR Kururi Line Shimogori Station (14 minutes walk) |
ふくろうカフェ ふくろうの城市原店のバードスタッフは、とても人に馴れていて撫でられるのが大好きな子ばかりです。
お気に入りの子と記念撮影をしたり、エサやり体験や腕に据える鷹匠体験などお楽しみいただけます。 Owl Cafe "Owl Castle" IchiharaNULLs owls are very familiar to people and love to be stroked.You can take a commemorative photo with an owl, and enjoy feeding and putting it on your arm. 利用料金 通常コース price:Standard course ¥770~¥1,100 1時間制One hour system R内房線五井駅(徒歩20分)
1-8-7 Kimizuka, Ichihara City, Chiba Prefecture JR Uchibo Line Goi Station (20 minutes walk) |
格闘トレーニングで疲れても、ふくろうを見てBarで、のんびりリフレッシュに最適です!さあ、あなたも日々のトレーニングと、ふくろうに癒されてください! The worldNULLs first martial arts and owl BAR fusion shop! Bar where you can see owls after fighting training ItNULLs a refreshing place! 利用料金 通常コース price:Standard course ¥1500~ 1時間制One hour system JR吉祥寺駅より徒歩2分
1-26-1 Kichijoji Honcho, Musashino City, Tokyo JK Kichijoji Building 2F 2 minutes walk from JR Kichijoji Station |
ふくろうの生体販売&ケアやふくろう関連グッズの販売、ふくろうとのふれあい体験なども行っています。 This is a cafe where you can have a coffee or a meal while watching the owls. We also sell live owls and care for them, sell owl-related goods, and offer an owl petting experience. 【基本料金】price 大人1500円 高校生以下1000円 時間無制限ですが、混雑時は1時間以上滞在のお客様は入れ替わりとなります。 Adults 1,500 yen High school students and younger 1,000 yen Unlimited time, but when crowded, customers who stay more than 1 hour will be replaced. 池袋駅(西口徒歩3分)
2F Taikyo Flat Building, 3-30-11 Nishi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo(3-minute walk) |
お気に入りの猛禽、お迎えしたい猛禽の種類のご相談、飼育方法などありましたら、何なりとご相談下さいませ。 You can enjoy drinks and cakes while interacting with birds of prey (owls, etc.) at our store.If you have any questions about your favorite raptor, the type of raptor you would like to welcome, or how to keep it, please feel free to contact us. 【基本料金】price 1時間(1ドリンク付)大人¥1,300 こども¥800 1 hour (with 1 drink) Adult 1,300yen Child 800yen 城ヶ崎海岸駅(徒歩5分)
912-6 Huto, Ito City, Shizuoka(5-minute walk) |
It is a cafe where you can see cute owls.We also sell owls. 【基本料金】price 1時間(ワンドリンク付き)大人1,200円 小人600円~ 1 hour (with one drink) Adults 1,200yen~ Children 600yen~ 余市駅(徒歩30分)
20-14-9, Kurokawa-cho, Yoichi-cho, Yoichi-gun, Hokkaido(30-minute walk) |
中津川本店では、オーナー夫婦がペットとして飼っているふくろうをご覧いただけます。 Spend a luxurious time with owls in the great nature of Nakatsugawa River. At the Nakatsugawa head office, you can see the owls that the owner and his wife keep as pets. 【基本料金】price 1時間 1000円(ワンドリンク制) 1 hour(one drink required) 1,000 yen 美乃坂本駅(バス40分)
2425-3 Komaba, Nakatsugawa-shi, Gifu(40 minutes by bus) |
カフェではフクロウをはじめ、ウサギやミーアキャットやフェレット、爬虫類などの珍しい動物を触ることもできます。 Owl Cafe Ricky is a place where you can directly interact with rare animals. At the cafe, you can touch owls, rabbits, meerkats, ferrets, reptiles, and other rare animals. 【基本料金】price フリータイムフリードリンク制(混雑時は1時間制) 大人980円 学生700円 小学生まで500円 3歳以下 無料 Free time free drink system (1 hour system when crowded) Adults 980yen Students 700yen Up to elementary school students 500yen Children under3 years old free 盛岡駅(徒歩9分)
Basement of Create Building, 3-1-23 Oodori, Morioka-City, Iwate (9-minute walk) |
様々な鳥たちと思う存分ふれあえる店です♪ From rare birds such as the toucan, to large birds such as the tawny parrot and cockatoo, to small birds such as cockatiels and budgerigars! This is a place where you can interact with a variety of birds to your heart's content. 【基本料金】price 1時間 大人(中学生~) 1000円 子供(小学生~) 500円 小学生未満は無料 1 hour Adult (junior high school student and older) 1,000 yen. Child (elementary school student and older) 500 yen.Free for children under elementary school age 小田急相模原駅(北口徒歩5分)
Lark Sagamidai 1F, 2-1-9 Sagamidai, Minami-ku, Sagamihara City, Kanagawa(5-minute walk) |
たくさんのお客様にふくろうさん達と、ふれあって、癒やされていただけたら嬉しいです。 First in Tochigi Prefecture. We are Fuku, the Fuku-ro café. We hope that many customers will be able to enjoy the healing experience of interacting with the owls. 【基本料金】price 平日はフリータイム 1ドリンク付 土日祝 1時間 1ドリンク付 大人 1200円 中高生 800円 小学生 600円 Weekdays free time with 1 drink Weekends and holidays 1 hour with 1 drink Adults 1200 yen Junior high and high school students 800 yen Elementary school students 600 yen 足利駅(徒歩15分)
Hiratsuka Building 1F, 3-2774 Toori, Ashikaga City, Tochigi(15 minutes walk) |
コザクラインコ3羽とボタンインコ2羽がおりますので、一緒に遊んでくださいね 鳥さんも一緒に遊びに来て頂けても嬉しいです We have opened up our home as a space for small birds! We have three kozhakura parakeets and two button parakeets, so please come and play with us! 【基本料金】price 30分 300円 30 minutes 300 yen 西武線保谷駅(徒歩10分)
4-34-11 Minami-Oizumi, Nerima-ku, Tokyo(10-minute walk) |
生体の販売・調教・移動動物園のご依頼も受け付けております。 Tea is available with exotic animals (mostly birds of prey). Please inquire for hours of operation! 【基本料金】price 店舗へお問い合わせ下さい Please contact the store 茶屋ヶ坂駅(徒歩20分)
1-15-31 Takekoshi, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi (20 minutes walk) |
猛禽屋 熱海は、ふくろうの展示販売をしているプロショップです。
猛禽屋 熱海は、かわいいふくろう達と触れ合えるお店です Moukinya is a professional store that displays and sells owls. Moukinya is a store where you can interact with cute owls! 【基本料金】price 1時間(ソフトドリンク付) 1,000円 1 hour (with soft drink) 1,000 yen JR来宮駅(徒歩10分)kinomiya station(10-minute walk)
8-33 Fukumichi-cho, Atami City, Shizuoka |
撫でて癒され、写真に収めたり、グローブ付ければ大型ふくろうだって乗せられます。 ふくろうと目が合うとマジックにかかったように時間を忘れ、童心にかえれるカフェスポットです。 This is a place where you can spend an extraordinary time with gentle and gentle owls that have spent time with people since they were chicks.You can pet them, take pictures of them, and even ride a large owl if you wear gloves! 【基本料金】price 30分のお試し触れ合いコース1,500円~ 30 minutes 1,500 yen~ 表参道駅(A4出口徒歩3分)
Yamakawa Bldg. 4F, 3-13-2, Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo(3 minutes walk) |
扉を開けると小鳥のさえずり、小川のせせらぎ、そこはふくろうの住む森の中…。 Gunma PrefectureNULLs first "Owl Cafe" has opened in Takasaki City! When you open the door, you are in a forest where owls live, with birds chirping and a babbling brook... 【基本料金】price 1時間1ドリンク付き 大人 1200円 子供(中学生以下) 800円 1 hour with 1 drink Adults 1200 yen Children (under junior high school) 800 yen 高崎駅(バス25分)
1802-17 Munadakamachi, Takasaki City, Gunma (25 minutes by bus) |
神奈川県初インコカフェ !キバタン、ヨウム等やオカメや文鳥等鳥類と遊べます!生態販売・動物保護活動もしています。1時間インコやオウム、フィンチ、鳩、烏骨鶏等色んな鳥と触れ合い写真撮り放題。
KanagawaNULLs first parrot cafe!You can play with Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo and Parrots and Cockatiel and Java sparrow and other birds! 【基本料金】price 1時間 1200円 4~6才800円~ 1 hour 1,200 yen ages 4-6 800 yen~ 小田急長後駅(徒歩2分)(2-minute walk)