Sashikuniwakahime is a kind-hearted goddess who lives in the forest of Tsukioka in the Suwa region (Nagano prefecture) and loves children. She is the goddess of life and longevity. Sashikuniwakahime excludes disasters. And she is worshiped by many as a goddess who gives happiness to people. Sashikuniwakahime is the mother of Okuninushi, who laid the foundation for Japan. Okuninushi had many of her half-brothers (Yasogami ). All the Yasogami wanted to have a beautiful Yakamihime who lives in Inaba no Kuni (Tottori Prefecture) as his wife. Yasogami and others went to Inaba to decide who would marry Yakamihime. The youngest Okuninushi followed the end of the procession with the luggage of the Yasogami on ther's back. On the way, Yasogami and others find a rabbit that peels off and asks for help at the cape of Kita (Hakuto Coast, Tottori Prefecture). The Yasogami and others lied, "To heal your body, wash your body with seawater. and, sleep on the top of the mountain so that you can hit the wind of the mountain. Then you will be healed." The rabbit did as he was taught, but the seawater dried, his body was cracked, and he struggled with too much pain. Okuninushi, who was walking at the very end, came and asked the suffering rabbit about the situation. Then the rabbit replied. The rabbit said, "I deceived the sharks because I wanted to cross from the island of Oki to the cape of Kita." The rabbit keeps talking. "I'll tell you which is more of the shark or rabbit clan." "From the island of Oki to the cape of Kita, line up the sharks, and I'll count them." Then, after arranging the sharks in a row, the rabbit jumped on the back of the shark and counted the number of sharks. Just before arriving at Kita's cape, the rabbit tells the last shark about the rabbit's strategy. "The shark clan was deceived by me and made a way for me to the cape of Kita." An angry shark catches a rabbit when he hears the story. Then he peeled off the skin of the rabbit and threw the rabbit toward the shore. After that, the rabbit was deceived by "Yasogami and others" and told Okuninushi that he was suffering now. Okuninushi, who felt sorry for the rabbit, said, "Immediately go to the river and wash your body with fresh water. Then, you should sprinkle the pollen of the cattail that grows on the shore on the ground and lie down." The rabbit did as taught. Then, the rabbit's body was healed. The rabbit who reflected on it became Inaba's white rabbit (rabbit god). The rabbit, who thanked Okuninushi, told Okuninushi, "You will be able to marry Yakamihime." After the "Yasogami and others" and Okuninushi arrived at the "Yakamihime" house, they all asked Yakamihime to marry. Then Yakamihime said, "I will not marry the "Yasogami and others", I will marry Okuninushi." Upon hearing that, "Yasogami and others" were furious and decided to kill Okuninushi. After that, "Yasogami and others" ordered Okuninushi, "There is a red boar on the mountain. We will drive it down, so catch it." Okuninushi ambushed the wild boar. However, it was a bright red burning rock that fell toward Okuninushi. Okuninushi, who thought he was a wild boar, caught the rock, but was wrapped in fire and burned to death. Knowing this, Okuninushi's mother, Sashikuniwakahime, was sad and went to heaven and asked for help. Then, "Kisagaihime" and "Umgaihime" appeared and brought Okuninushi back to life. "Yasogami and others" who knew this did further violence. Invite Okuninushi to the mountain again. They put Okuninushi in a large tree that had been cut, pulled a wedge, and crushed Okuninushi with it in between. The mother of Okuninushi, "Sashikuniwakahime," who learned of the death of Okuninushi, reappears. And with her own magical power, she revived Okuninushi. And she said to Okuninushi. "As long as you are here, "Yasogami and others" will destroy you someday." Sashikuniwakahime told Okuninushi, "Go to" Isotakeru "and" Otsuyahime Sisters "in the country of trees (Kii country)." And she escaped Okuninushi. However, "Yasogami and others"are persistently chasing. "Isotakeru" uses a large mysterious hole in the crotch of a tree to escape Okuninushi from the country of Kii. Isotakeru told me to escape to (the land of Yomi) where Isotakeru's father "Susanoo" is. And he escaped Okuninushi. If "Sashikuniwakahime" appears in today's fortune-telling, you are likely to be a quick and caring person today. A ferocious fighting spirit comes out of you. It will be a day when you can continue to protect your precious things over and over again without being discouraged. "Sashikuniwakahime" says. "Your natural kindness will be demonstrated, and no matter how many times you hit an obstacle, you will never be discouraged and will boldly challenge high hurdles." Today, you will become more conscious of "protecting" important things, so if there are people around you who are in trouble, it will be a day where you can reach out to help. If you have a strong desire to "support" someone in need, you will have a peaceful day with kindness.