今日の占いでイシコリドメヒメが現れた場合、あなたの回りにある、鏡を気にしてみてください。 鏡の役割は、あなた自身を映し出すモノでもあり、反面の世界を映し出すモノ。 鏡には、昔から魔力が秘められていると考えられております。 自分では見ることができない、感じることができない、自分を、鏡を通して映し出すことができます。 あなたが今見ている世界を鏡を使い逆に見ること、逆の立場になって考えて自身を見つめ直すことを、イシコリドメヒメはアドバイスしています。 仕事、恋愛、人間関係等、あらゆる事象を逆の立場で考える時間があなたには、必要とされています。 意外な面がある、自分に気付くチャンスを与えてくれたと思い、いろいろな考え方を持って、良い一日を過ごしてください。 Amaterasu, the god of the sun, the highest god of Japan, regrets the bad work of his younger brother Susanoo and hides in Amanoiwato. Then, the sunlight disappeared in Japan and it became pitch black. The Japanese gods decided to share their wisdom and call Amaterasu. The goddess made the "Yata no Kagami" used for the ritual. "Yata no Kagami" still exists as one of the three sacred treasures of the Emperor's family. It is also the goddess who landed in Japan with Amaterasu's son "Ninigi" when the gods landed on the ground and tried to create Japan. If Ishikori Domehime appears in today's fortune-telling, look in the mirror. The role of the mirror is to reflect yourself, but it reflects the other side of the world. In Japan, mirrors have long been thought to have magical powers. You can see through the mirror the world that you cannot see or feel by yourself. If you look in the mirror at the world you are looking at, you can think in the opposite position. And you will be able to look back at yourself. You need time to think about all things, such as work, romance, and relationships, from the opposite standpoint. Please spend a good day with various ideas, thinking that you have been given a chance to notice your unexpected existence.