おやつをおねだりする子、遊んで欲しくて寄ってくる子、温かな手のひらでスヤスヤ眠ってしまう子など。 グリーンが飾られたお洒落な店内でハリネズミさんに癒されて下さい‼ There are many hedgehogs living in the spacious Brooklyn-style store. Please come and be healed by hedgehogs in a stylish store decorated with greenery. 【基本料金】price 30分 1,300円~ 30 minutes 1,300 yen~ 原宿駅(徒歩1分)
Shanzeru Harajuku 2, 4F, 1-13-21 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo(1minutes walk) |
実際に見て触れてお気に入りの子をお迎えすることができます You Can Experience Petting Hedgehogs While Drinking App♩ You can actually see and touch and pick up your favorite one! 【基本料金】price 30分850円 ワンドリンク制 30minutes 850yen One drink system 大通り駅(徒歩2分)
MOMA Building 1F, 17-2, Minami 2-jo Nishi 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo(2minutes walk) |
おしゃれな店内でハリネズミの写真を撮ったり、抱っこしたり、なでなでしたり、遊んでる姿を眺めながら癒しの時間をお過ごしください。 Sumoa is an animal café where you can interact with hedgehogs, located in Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, a 7-minute walk from the Shinkansen exit of Hakata Station. 【基本料金】price 60分(ドリンク付き) 1,650円~ 60minutes with free drink 1,650yen~ 博多駅(徒歩7分)
3F, 2-9-6, Hakataekihigashi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka-City, Fukuoka(7 minutes walk) |
気に入った子をお迎えすることもできますよ♪ Hedgehogs living in various situations such as kitchen, dining room, bedroom, garden, and Japanese room will welcome you. You can take photos, hold them in your hands, feed them, and enjoy interacting with them to the fullest. 【基本料金】price 30分 1,430円~ 30minutes 1,430 yen~ JR渋谷駅(徒歩2分)
Daikyo Shibuya Building 2F, 1-13-5 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo(2minutes walk) |
世界最大のげっ歯類カピバラは人になでられるのが大好きで、ねこ達とも仲良く暮らせます。 The "Kapineko Cafe" is a rare animal cafe in Japan where you can interact with capybaras and cats together. The capybara, the worldNULLs largest rodent, loves to be stroked by people and can get along well with cats. 【基本料金】price 1時間 大人(中学生以上)2,200円~ 1 hour Adults (junior high school age and older): 2,200 yen~ JR吉祥寺駅(徒歩1分)
PLATANO 2F, 1-5-10 Kichijoji-Minami-cho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo(1minutes walk) |
岩の間をくぐり抜けると…そこにはたくさんの動物たちが待っています。 The entrance to a mysterious cave that leads to another world appears in a corner of a commercial facility. As you pass through the rocks, youNULLll find many animals waiting for you. 【基本料金】price 入場料380円 Entrance fee ¥380 ご利用料金10分フリードリンク付き220円 10minutes with free drink ¥220 仙台駅(西口徒歩2分)
Mogurae Plaza, Kadokawa Building B1F, 2-7-30 Chuo, Aoba-ku, Sendai City, Miyagi(5minutes walk) |
いつでも元気なハリネズミさんが見える癒しの空間!! A small little world of wonder. A healing space where you can always see hedgehogs in high spirits! 【基本料金】price 30分 800円~ 30 minutes 800 yen~ JR池袋駅(西口徒歩5分)
Ikebukuro Royal West 2F, 2-35-4 Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo(5minutes walk) |
私たちの心を鷲掴みにする、ハリネズミと触れ合えるカフェ『しゃべコミュ』 Dull eyes, soft bellies, and tiny limbs. Shabekomyu, a cafe where you can interact with the hedgehogs that have captured our hearts. 【基本料金】price 30分平日1,100円 土日祝日1,430円 30minutes Weekdays¥1,100yen Weekends & Holidays¥1,430 仙台駅(徒歩5分)
Mogurae Plaza, Kadokawa Building B1F, 2-7-30 Chuo, Aoba-ku, Sendai City, Miyagi(5minutes walk) |
ホリホリされたり、ナデナデしたり、膝の上・肩に乗ってきたり 〜夢の癒しの世界をお楽しみ下さい〜 You can interact with rare animals such as the Asian small-clawed otter, fennec, and meerkat to your heart's content. 【基本料金】price 平日2,500円 土日祭 2,800円 Weekdays 2,500yen Weekends & Holidays 2,800yen~ 浅草駅(徒歩8分)
Umamichi Myokenya Building 2F, 3-1-1 Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo(8minutes walk) |
ペットと一緒に過ごしながら、お客様がゆっくりとくつろげる空間を大事にしたいと考えています。 We started a pet cafe with the concept of a hedgehog cafe. We want to cherish a space where customers can relax while spending time with their pets. 【基本料金】price 10分 220円~ 10 minutes 220 yen~ 秋葉原駅(徒歩5分)
4-4-10, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo(5minutes walk) |
おうちにお越しいただくみなさまは”マイクロブタさんのお友だち“。 In this house, many pigs, from children to adults, live together in harmony. Everyone who comes to the house is a friend of the micro pigs. 【基本料金】price 30分 ¥1,000~※お一人様、別途ワンドリンク制(ドリンク¥600~)となります。 30 minutes ¥1,000~※One drink per person is required (600yen~). 原宿駅(徒歩5分)
1-15-4 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo(5minutes walk) |